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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

No More Death: You Can Now Live Forever

Mankind has been seeking freedom from death since the beginning. He looked everywhere but failed to reach true essence of the words of God which hold the secret way to overcome death and live forever in same physical form.A new insight into the Bhagavad Gita has thrown light on the secret science of immortality lying unexplored in this scripture for many millennia. The understanding of this secret science has made it possible for human beings to attain freedom from old age and death and become supreme imperishable beings. The simple transition from mortal man to immortal God is explained very concisely in You Are God – The Bhagavad Gita as never before, by Shashi Verma.

This science, called Yog in the Bhagavad Gita, does not ask us to make any changes in our lifestyle or actions. All we need to do is to change our thoughts, as advised by Lord Krishna in the Gita. This wonderful science of thoughts has been unfolded in this path-breaking book that promises to change lives and help us attain immortality.

We are all living with the delusion that death is imperative; that every person will die. But, contrary to this belief, Lord Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita that we can attain immortality:

Having crossed over these three attributes arising from the body, the dweller in the body is completely freed from birth, death, old age and sorrow and attains immortality. Chapter 14:20

A fact that is revealed in the Bible as well:

That whatsoever believeth in Him should not perish but have eternal life. John 3:15

Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that hearth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life. John 5:24

Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, and are dead. This is the bread which cometh down from heaven, that a man may eat thereof, and not die. John 6:49-50

Verily, verily, I say unto you, if a man keeps my saying, he shall never see death.
John 8:51

The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. I-Corinthians 15:26

These scriptures have been read over and over again by mankind for thousands of years, yet no one could understand the real sense of the words contained in them. We could never imagine that terms such as "have eternal life" or "never die" or "completely free from sorrow, old age and death" literally mean living forever.

Though all the holy books reveal the path for attaining immortality, the Bhagavad Gita conveys this message in simple words. Besides the knowledge of the Self, the Gita contains the science of Yog which not only brings self-realization to all of us, it can also free us from sorrow, diseases, old age and death and hence make us immortal. Unfortunately, we could not understand this message given in the Gita and thus could not attain freedom from old age and death.

At the very beginning of His teachings to Arjun, Lord Krishna revealed that all bodies are embodied by the all-pervading indestructible, that is, God, which means that all bodies are of God or all beings are God. However, we are deluded by the ego and look at ourselves as ‘I’- a man or a woman, and fail to realise we are God.

Lord Krishna also revealed that all humans are eternal living beings who neither die nor ever cease to exist but keep changing their bodies birth after birth. The cycle of constant death and birth or changing of the bodies can come to an end provided we attain the self-realization that we are God, eternal living beings, not ‘I’ or mortal men and women. In Verse 7:4, Lord Krishna said that the embodied being or God has an eight-fold nature comprising earth, water, fire, air, space, mind, intellect and the ego. In Verses 2:62-63, He revealed the cause of death and explained that when we contemplate the object while performing actions, it gives rise to an attachment to the object. From attachment arises desire and from desire arises anger. From anger arises delusion, from delusion comes confusion of memory, from confusion of memory results the loss of intellect and with the loss of intellect we perish.

The being who performs actions without attachment to the objects, called Buddhi Yog (Discipline of Intellect), is freed from desire, anger and delusion. He will not lose his intellect and he will become a sthitpragya or person of steady intellect and a non perishable being. He will not change bodies but dwell in the same body in eternal peace and happiness.

Lord Krishna then imparted the Wisdom of Karma Yog in the Gita. He revealed in Verse 3:27 that actions from our bodies are performed by our nature, not by us:

All actions are performed by the attributes of Nature; he who is deluded by the ego thinks, ‘I am the doer.’ Chapter 3:27

Though all beings are fragments of the same Self or God they are not the doer of actions taking place from their bodies. Their thinking that they perform the actions binds them to the actions and attaches them to the attributes of nature, due to which they take constant births in different bodies. Karma Yog (Discipline of Actions), which frees the being from the bonds of actions and attributes of nature, consists of mentally renouncing the actions or the sense of doership to God by thinking that God/Nature is performing the actions.

This mental renunciation or offering of all action to God is the highest wisdom or science by which we can cross over the attributes of nature, become free from sorrow, old age and death and live forever:

Whatever you do, whatever you eat, whatever you offer in sacrifice, whatever charity you do, whatever austerity you observe, O son of Kunti, offer all that to Me. Chapter 9:27

When the seer perceives no doer other than the attributes and knows beyond the attributes, he attains My Bhava. Chapter 14:19

Having crossed over these three attributes arising from the body, the dweller in the body is completely freed from birth, death, old age and sorrow and attains immortality. Chapter 14:20

The Wisdom of renouncing the sense of doer ship and thereby attaining immortality was also given by Jesus Christ in the following words:

For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: But if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live. Romans 8:13

The all-pervading God is a Word or Wisdom of sameness towards all, that all beings are God. Though all beings are fragments of Wisdom or God, they do not have self-realization. They do not know that they are God. Verses 4:38 and 5:6 of the Gita reveal that a person who is established in Yog quickly attains Brahm and finds Wisdom in the Self. It means that a person who is freed from the ego by constantly thinking that nature (not I) is performing the actions, he will attain Wisdom (God) that he and all other beings are same or all are God.

A person does not have to bring any change in his lifestyle and actions to practice Yog. He has to remain engaged in all the usual actions but mentally renounce the actions (sense of doer ship) to God. When beings will perform their actions by Yog and attain Wisdom, the world will enter a new age. In the new age all beings will be free from sorrow, old age and death and will live in complete harmony and oneness, having realized that all are God.

Verses 5:8-9 of the Bhagavad Gita say that he who is united to Wisdom (God) and knows the truth thinks, ‘I do nothing at all’ and in seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, tasting, walking, speaking, breathing and performing other actions believes that only the senses are moving among the objects. This thinking is the science of Yog, which is the highest wisdom that has come from God. A person who performs his actions by mentally renouncing the actions to God becomes united to God by Yog. A person who attains perfection in Yog will attain the Wisdom or God-like sameness towards all beings. He will then be freed from sorrow, old age and death and attain immortality, as revealed in Verses 14:19- 20

The writer is the author of the book, You Are God – the Bhagavad Gita as never before. For more information, visit By Shashi Verma

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