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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Life after Death: A Mystic’s Journal Entry: October 14, 2005

A Mystic’s Journal Entry: October 14, 2005 by Laurie Conrad. For a full listing of Conrad's writings, type Laurie Conrad in Buzzle's search feature.
Enlarge ImageA Mystic’s Journal Entry: October 14, 2005

Friday, October 14 8:25 a.m.

An e-mail from Tamsyn, sent at 2:45 a.m. this morning:

Laurie, my father has joined the Lord and my mother. He passed away just after midnight. I am saddened because I will miss his physical presence, but I rejoice in the freedom that his luminous body now enjoys. No longer tied to the sick and weakened body, he and my mother are together once again. Thank you for all your prayers and the angels you have sent our way.

9:02 a.m.

Thank you Laurie, I know that you have me in your prayers. Time heals all wounds, and in time this one will heal as well. To me, this is the Dark Night of the Soul, but with all the love coming my way, I will get through this.

4:43 p.m.

Laurie, the most beautiful thing happened to me a little while ago. My father touched me! I felt it on my shoulder and it was so comforting. As if he was letting me know that he is still with me. Now I know I will be alright.


This is the subject of one of my new books: 'Realms of Light', scheduled for publication this year or in early 2006. The book contains my own experiences of other realms, but also stories from non-clairvoyant people such as Tamsyn, messages they have received from loved ones now in other realms.

Now I feel very grateful that Tamsyn had that wonderful week at Windgarth before the physical loss of her father and all the sadness and regret that can bring. It is not at all unusual to learn how to meditate during the Dark Night of the soul. It is our way out of the Dark Night ...

Tamsyn’s faith in God is very strong, she will be fine. She will next enter the Illuminative stage of the mystical life, where eventually we can feel the Presence of God filling and surrounding us always. Her present deep suffering will bear great fruit later. Still, my heart aches for her. And in that ache is the Divine glow of Love which pours out into the world, a burning flame within my own Heart. Figaro Books
Conrad's books are available on this site. By Laurie Conrad

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